The Zulfiqar Collection

The Zulfiqar Collection

An exhibition of shawls and other antiquities from Kashmir, India, collected and curated by Zulfi Ali.

Other Video Presentations by Zulfiqar Ali:
An Introduction to Antique Kashmir Shawls
Antique Kashmiri Papier Mache
Antique Carved Arts of Kashmir

The Kashmir shawl or the Cashmere shawl, as it was first known in Europe, was a textile, highly prized by the royalty of India, the Middle-East and then Europe. Combining the rare wool of the Cashmere goat with the talents of spinners, pattern makers, dyers, darners, and the extraordinary skill of the weavers, the Cashmere shawl was a triumph of Kashmir's artistic heritage - a heritage that also included other equally exquisite art forms including Papier Mache/Lacquerware, silver and copper engraving, enamelware, carpet weaving and engraved walnut wood.

On Saturday, March 23, 2022, Zulfiqar Ali gave a lecture presentation on the history and culture of Kashmir that influenced its artistic heritage. This heritage is vividly displayed by the collection he shares through this exhibit.

Gandhi Center